Friday, March 29, 2013

Update 3 / 28 / 2013 : City of Absent Giants

It has been far to looooooooooong since my last update. I've been up to a lot recently tackling my new film The City of Absent Giants. Most of the work below is subject to change.

Oknitide an inhospitable desert of shifting sands.

My motivation for making this film is simple. I want to tell stories in my films, but I have yet to actually tell one. I'm tired of animating one-dimensional mimes - I want characters that are fully fleshed out! So I wrote a script and concept in mid January and began production in February. The idea for the story occurred some 6 months prior.

I'm still making assets, but hopefully we'll get to some meaty animation.... eventually. >_<
The benefit is I'm doing things I don't ordinarily do.

The humans take shelter from the world in a structure built by giants.

Talitha discovers that the city is not really absent of giants.

The story is more conventional than stories I've done in the past. There is no random references to the I-Ching trigrams, neural networks, or anything convoluted and horrible.  It is oddly focused which is something that pleases me greatly.

Our giantess. Things happen.

In the weeks ahead I might post some concept art among other paraphernalia . If you have any questions or comments I'd like to hear from you.

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